Community-wide behavior change and clean fuel interventions

Community-wide behavior change and clean fuel interventions in some homes to maximize cleaner cooking and to achieve modest indoor and outdoor air quality in Panchkhal and Mandandeupur municipalities, Nepal In Nepal, traditional energy sources such as wood, dung, and plant residues supply most of the household energy requirement. Studies conducted to find the household air […]

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Community Building with Bio Gas

From January 2015, LEADERS Nepal is conducting an observational (cohort) study, “investigation of the effectiveness of biogas in reducing ARI in ≤5 year’s old children” in 6 Village Development Committees (VDC) of Kavre district of Nepal. Funded by the PEER Health program (, the main objectives of Nepal PEER health study are i) to assess […]

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PEER Health Project

Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) is the leading cause of childhood morbidity and mortality in Nepal. The Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) has recognized ARI as one of the major public health problems. It has given due importance to improve medical case management strategies to lower the incidence of ARI. In spite of such strategies, […]

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