Aug 23, 2012-In an attempt to raise awareness on the lead content of imported paints and its negative impact on public health, an NGO is organising a one-day workshop in the Capital on August 29.
LEADERs Nepal, an NGO working in the field of human rights, public health and livelihood issues since 1987, is organising the workshop to recommend that policy makers come up with a comprehensive policy to manage the lead content in paint.
This workshop is part of a project funded by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) titled ‘Documentation of lead concentration in domestic and imported paints, determination of lead exposure in paint industries and at homes.’
According to Dhiraj Pokhrel, general secretary of LEADERs Nepal, the ongoing project aims to strengthen the sound management of lead content in lead-based paint through research and capacity building workshops in Nepal. Similarly, the project is documenting import-export and production-consumption of paint, determining the concentration of lead in commercially available paints, characterising airborne lead exposure in paint industries and lead-dust exposure at home. (PR)
Published: 24-08-2012 08:15