Nepal’s climate records show that temperature has increased dramatically in the upland regions. Rising of average temperatures in the higher elevation have already caused a retreat of glaciers in the Himalayas. Although Nepal’s share of green house gases (GHGs) are negligible compared to many developed and developing countries but its efforts in reducing GHGs are tremendous. Dissemination of more than 200,000 biogas plants and improved cook stoves, and promotion of 700 batteries operated electric vehicles (EVs) are some examples of Nepal’s efforts in reducing GHGs.
Over the past 20 years, LEADERS Nepal has helped many institutions to develop and implement household energy surveys, and measure household air pollution in urban and rural areas using modern equipments like beta ray attenuation particle monitor, laser dust monitor and active and passive air samplers. It has also been championing new ideas in renewable energy such as ‘wind and solar hybrid (WISH) system’ and ‘efficient water hammer pumps’ for rural communities. With the assistance from New Energy Foundation, Japan (NEF) and Clean Energy Forum, Japan and in collaboration with Bagmati Engineering, it also regularly conducts a week long technical camp on ways to improve efficiency of EVs being operated in the Kathmandu valley.